Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hit and Run Accident - How to Handle the Accident and the Insurance Claim

By Hector Quiroga

A hit and run accident is more common than most of us think. Nearly 30% of all drivers in the U.S. are not insured. This leads to a very high rate of hit and run accidents daily. This type of situation is a very confusing and can take you by surprise.

If you are in this unfortunate situation, try to get as much detail about the other vehicle as you can. This is not always possible since you can be hit in a parking lot and will not have any idea of who hit you.

However, in the even that you were present, try to identify the type, model, and color of the car. If you can get the license plate number then that would be even better. One thing you should never do in a hit and run accident is to get in a car chase. You never know why the other vehicle is running away and if they can possibly be armed and dangerous. Consequently, if you violate any traffic laws, you will not be excused. That also applies if you get in a second accident or you hit someone else.

You need to call the police as soon as you can. This is often a source of frustration. The police will ask if your hit and run accident happened in a parking lot or if anyone was injured. If you are in a parking lot, the police will not come to the scene because it is private property and they do not have “jurisdiction” over that parking lot (unless there are injuries). Sometimes police officers do answer to hit and runs in parking lots, and sometime they will only answer if there are injuries, however, they are not obligated to. You could easily end up holding the bag.

To protect yourself, you should still call the police. If the police department does not come to the scene, then go into the nearest police station and file a “walk-in report”. Make sure you carefully analyze and document the scene of the accident before you leave.

To learn what to do and what information you will need when filling a police walk-in report, visit

Make sure that you get as much detail as you can about the scene and of what happened. If you can take couple of pictures, this would really help your case.

The next step is to file a claim with your own insurance company. To be covered for a hit and run accident, you need collision or uninsured motorist property damage coverage (uninsured motorist bodily injury if there are injuries). You will be subject to a deductible that you purchased when you took out the policy. If you do not carry either of these coverages, then your insurance company will deny coverage.

You will have to report the claim within a reasonable time. You will also be required to file a police report, even if it is a walk-in report. Going to the closest police station and filling out the necessary forms will ensure that you get your car fixed. You could jeopardize your coverage if you do not file a police report or inform the insurance carrier within a reasonable time.
You can file the claim even before you file the police report. You just have to make sure a police report is file within a reasonable time. Some police departments will not accept walk in reports for matters older than three days, some others will give you more time. Either way, try to file the report before the three-day mark.

Once you have the report, fax it to the insurance company and let them handle the hit and run accident and the damages. They will follow up with the police investigation to find the responsible party. If the are able to collect, they will inform you and refund your deductible according to your state regulations.

All the best, Hector Quiroga© Copyright Rights Reserved.

Hector Quiroga has a high interest in helping consumers gain knowledge of the auto insurance claim process for both property damage and bodily injury claims. He covers in great detail what a car accident investigation entails and share many helpful tips for dealing with insurance companies and adjusters. Learn how to protect your interest by visiting Auto Insurance Claim Advice.

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1 comment:

Tee Chess said...

Wow. This post guided me how to handle such an adverse situation when a person is not able to think and then how to carry out the claim process. Thanks a lot for providing this useful assistance.
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