Saturday, November 10, 2007

What are the Average Car Insurance Rates for Teenagers?

By Timothy Croy

The most influencing factor determining a customer’s wish to buy a car insurance policy is the average car insurance rates. Though, it is considered mandatory by the Federal law of the United States of America for vehicle owners to buy a car insurance policy, a lot of consideration goes into comparing between many car insurance policies before the customer buys one.
What are factors impacting average car insurance rates?

* The age of the vehicle driver – Generally, the insurance rates and the premiums are on the higher side with increase in age. The car insurance rates form a bell curve pattern with peaks observed with rates offered to the teenagers and senior citizens.

* The coverage of car insurance policy – Most car insurance policies cover driver insurance, collision insurance as a part of their policy. Depending upon the vehicle in possession, vehicle owners may intentionally decide to drop one of the covers. Though, people feel it is a cost-cutting measure, vehicle owners do this knowing their vehicle and the driving conditions well.

* The driving conditions and the usage of the car – One of the questions most insurance companies ask is the usage of the car. If the vehicle is going to be used as a sports car driving up and down on hilly terrains, chances are that the premiums would be priced high. One can expect to pay a lower premium on their vehicle’s insurance policy if it will be used for an up-down travel on a safe highway.

* State of residence in the United States of America – Depending on the state of residence in the United States of America, the average car insurance rates may vary. One can access the comparison charts for car insurance rates by contacting the State Department of Insurance.
The average car insurance rates have fallen from $933 in 2003 to $867 in 2006. If the same trend continues one can expect the insurance rates to breach below the $800 mark. This obviously indicates that car insurance covers are no longer considered as an expensive option for vehicle owners. is a website devoted to giving you the best information regarding car insurance. Whether your searching for free online car insurance quotes, or antique auto insurance for your classic, we've got you covered!

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Car Insurance Rates - Teenagers

By Timothy Croy

Auto insurance varies greatly from one group of drivers to another. This is mainly due to different types of driving styles. Factors such as age, sex, credit history, marital status, and criminal background can greatly affect your car insurance rate.

Car insurance rates for teenagers continues to be among some of the highest rates seen by anyone applying for auto insurance. Unfortunately teenagers have alot going against them when insurance companies consider them for coverage. Lack of experience, little to no credit history, and no marital status are all factors that skyrocket a teenager's insurance rate. The highest auto insurance rates observed by any individual are usually any male driver under the age of 25.

Teenager's are also "statistically" more liable to get into a car wreck. In 2003 teenagers made up less than 5% of all drivers, but were involved in nearly 20% of fatal car accidents, an 22% of any type of car accident. Statistically teenager's are a huge liability for insurance companies, and they make up for the liability in increased rates.

Fortunately, there are options for teens looking for ways to decrease their rates. A teen may be put under the same policy as his/her parents, therefore decreasing the rate. This can sometimes result in an increased rate for the parent's, but the overall savings usually make up for the adjustment. The type of car also has a small factor in the rate price. A car with a low profile engine, high safety measures, and mediocre value are generally considered better in the eyes of insurance companies. Obviously a teenager's rate is going skyrocket if they drive a brand new porsche or high valued luxury sedan.

Another option for teens is to take a drivers training course. Teens that have never driven a car, or are getting their license for the first time would do well to take a drivers training course - as not only would their insurance rates decrease, you are at much less risk to get into an accident after taking the course.

There are many other options available to the would-be teen looking to decrease their insurance rates.

For more ways you can decrease car insurance rates for teenagers, visit: Car Insurance Choices
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